Webinar: Gloucestershire ICS share their insights and experiences from implementing MSK digital self-management across their MSK care pathways
Speakers from Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (ICS) discuss how getUBetter is helping deliver service improvement and transformation across a whole ICS. The webinar illustrates a case study for the provision of digitally enabled MSK self-management support using getUBetter.
Digital technology such as getUBetter is recommended by BestMSKHealth to enable digital self-management support for patients alongside routine care. Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (ICS) have introduced it to support digital self-management of all common musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries and conditions across their entire MSK pathway.
Digitally enabled musculoskeletal (MSK) pathways can provide numerous benefits such as 50% reduction in prescriptions and 20% reduction in physiotherapy referrals. In this webinar, speakers from Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (ICS) discuss how getUBetter, a platform delivering personalised, supported self-management for patients with common MSK conditions is helping deliver service improvement and transformation across a whole Integrated Care System. The webinar illustrates a case study for the provision of digitally enabled MSK self-management support using getUBetter.
Key talking points:
- Using the technology to support patients to self-manage their condition across an entire care pathway, from primary care through to elective waiting lists (Clinician’s perspective).
- Implementing a digital self-management tool within the ICS (Project management and deployment).
- Why use a digital self-management tool to support an entire integrated care system (Commissioner perspective).
- Making the digital self-management tool an integral part of clinical care and MSK pathways.
Gemma Artz; Programme Director, Clinical Programmes, NHS Gloucestershire
Ryan Brunsdon; Project Manager, Clinical Programmes, NHS Gloucestershire
Dr Carey McClellan, CEO and Clinical Director, getUBetter
Louise Coates; Clinical Product Manager, getUBetter
Webinar Format:
Welcome & Introductions – 12:30-12:35PM
getUBetter presentation – 12:35-12:45PM
Gloucestershire ICS experiences and insights – 12:45-1:15PM
Audience Q&A – 1:15-1:30PM
If you’d like to see other getUBetter webinars available, please follow this link.