getUBetter awarded HSJ’s HealthTech Parthership of the Year Award 2023
We’re delighted to announce that getUBetter’s innovative collaboration with South West London and South West London Integrated Care System has won the HealthTech Partnership of the Year at the HSJ Partnership Awards 2023, recognising our outstanding dedication to improving healthcare and effective collaboration with the NHS.
The win, announced during a ceremony at Evolution London, on 23 March 2023, comes four years into the ongoing partnership Together, getUBetter and South-West London ICS have been co-designing and optimising a system-wide digital self-management platform for all common musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, supporting self-management across the entire ICS care pathway.
“We are delighted to have our partnership with NHS South-West London ICS recognised,” said Carey McClellan, the Founder and CEO of getUBetter. “We’ve been working with the team in South West London for years now and they have been essential in making sure our platform works for everyone across the whole pathway.”
The MSK digital self-management support was co-designed with patients, clinicians, commissioners, and research partners to meet the needs of everyone.. The platform helps people with new, recurrent, and long-term conditions to have the confidence to self-manage, trust their recovery, and utilise healthcare resource appropriately.
An independent study into the benefits of using getUBetter for patients with back pain showed an average cost saving of £1.96 million per ICS place, with a 13% drop in GP follow up appointments, a 20% fall in physiotherapy referrals and prescriptions costs cut in half.
“This was a true partnership benefiting all stakeholders, added Ben Wanless, Consultant Physiotherapist at St Georges and SWL MSK Digital Lead. “It is great to see wider adoption of getUBetter across the NHS. Our SWL ICS case study has been used by NHSE as a national digital playbook exemplar project, and getUBetter is now on the NHS Innovation Accelerator Programme.
HSJ editor Alastair McLellan comments: “We’re delighted that getUBetter and South-West London ICS have been announced as winners in the category of HealtTech Partnership of the Year at this year’s HSJ Partnership Awards 2023. The partnership stood out in an outstanding field of nominees, each showcasing the very best collaborations and innovations in the healthcare sector today. “
The full list of Winners and those Highly Commended for the 2023 HSJ Partnership Awards can be found at