getUBetter has been co-designed to meet the needs of patients, clinicians, and the NHS.
Rapid deployment
We have developed a rapid clinical transformation model that makes getUBetter available to a whole ICS/Health Board population within 4 months.
Deployment of getUBetter is tailored to an organisation’s needs, making implementation quick and scalable.
Our knowledge and experience have been gained through large scale deployments across 17 integrated care systems. We have developed a repeatable framework of tools, processes, regular and frequent support routines, face to face training and awareness presentations. This enables a transparent and smooth deployment of getUBetter.
Clinical safety
getUBetter is a Class 1 medical device and DTAC certified. It complies with NHS Clinical Safety and Information Governance standards.
The getUBetter content is based on the latest evidence and behaviour change techniques, and self-management pathways are signed off and approved by an ICS’s clinical teams.
The platform is locally configured to an ICS MSK pathway and is regularly updated. The app is designed to be given as part of routine care and has multiple layers of risk management. It provides safe self-management but will advise patients to seek help if needed.
Personalised care
getUBetter provides personalised support that is responsive to how a patient is feeling and targeted to their recovery journey and lived experience.
Digital inclusion and reducing health inequalities
getUBetter is an NHS England digital exclusion pioneer helping the NHS to better understand and reduce digital exclusion.
Supporting the NHS Green Plan
getUBetter delivers environmental benefits through minimising travel and maximising efficiency for both patients and our own team.